a very short guide to general visualization forms and tools
Tools Seminar 05/27/2018
Computer-based visualization systems provide visual representations of datasets designed to help people carry out tasks more effectively.
Visualization is suitable when there is a need to augment human capabilities rather than replace people with computational decision-making methods.
Generally, visualization is used to gain or show insights through data.
most commonly seen data type
Statistical visualization provides an overview of the tabular data and is widely used.
- Software: Excel, Tableau, (even Adobe Illustrator)
- py Tools:matplotlib, plotly
High-dimensional Data
different visualization forms treat different scale data
set of relationship
- Visualization Forms: node-link diagram, matrix
- Trees: tree map, bubble chart, sunburst
- Analysis Toolkit:
- Layout Tools:,, TikZ, Gephi
Time Series
animation/small multiples
- Line Graph/Bar Charts: intuitive, simplest
- Stacked Area Chart: commutive total & individual components of that change
- Gantt Chart: a horizontal bar showing the event dependencies or current work status
- Stream Graph: stacked area graph displayed around central horizontal axis like flowing liquid
- Heat Map: check your github contribution :-)
- Polar Area Diagram: Nightingale Rose Charts
Text Visualization
get an overview of the overwhelming text
- Survey for Text Visualization: boring, don't click me
- Wordle Creation: a guide to make a not bad worldle
- Text Analysis: everything for text analysis
- Topic Model: just ask Google