Liwenhan Xie 谢李文含
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Address: Big Data Institute. Lo Ka Chung University Center. HKUST. Clear Water Bay. Kowloon. Hong Kong.
PhD Candidate in Computer Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hong Kong, China
CSE department; Advised by Prof. Huamin Qu
Member of the VisLab
BSc. in Data Science and Big Data Technology, Peking University
Beijing, China
Yuanpei College; Advised by Prof. Xiaoru Yuan
Research assistant of the PKUVIS Group
Exchange Student, École Polytechnique
Palaiseau, FranceCycle Ingénieur program, Data Science track
Supervisor: Prof. Hanspeter Pfister, Dr. Zhutian Chen
Supervisor: Prof. Siming Chen
Supervisor: Prof. Xiaoru Yuan
Supervisor: Prof. Jean-Daniel Fekete
Supervisor: Prof. Benjamin Bach
Research Intern at the HKUST Vislab, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hong KongSupervisor: Prof. Huamin Qu
* denotes equal contribution.Journal
Creating Emordle: Animating Word Cloud for Emotion Expression.
OldVisOnline: Curating a Dataset of Historical Visualizations.
“You'll Be Alice Adventuring in Wonderland!” Processes, Challenges, and Opportunities of Creating Animated Virtual Reality Stories.
WaitGPT: Monitoring and Steering Conversational LLM Agent in Data Analysis with On-the-Fly Code Visualization.
Wakey-Wakey: Animate Text by Mimicking Characters in a GIF.
GeoCamera: Telling Stories in Geographic Visualizations with Camera Movements.
Learning to Automate Chart Layout Configurations Using Crowdsourced Paired Comparison.
Interactive Time-Series of Measures for Exploring Dynamic Networks.
Short Paper
FoodWise: Food Waste Reduction and Behavior Change on Campus with Data Visualization and Gamification.
AutoCaption: An Approach to Generate Natural Language Description from Visualization Automatically.
Let Every Seat Be Perfect! A Case Study on Combining BIM and VR for Room Planning.
EarthquakeAware: Visual Analytics for Understanding Human Impacts of Earthquakes from Social Media Data.
Automatic Caption Generation for SVG Charts.
Visualizing Dynamic Networks of Long Sequences with Pixel Matrix Array.
Visual Analysis for Subgroups in a Dynamic Network.
Scholarships & Grants
Postgraduate Studentship
HKUSTHKD 220,680 per year
HKUST RedBird Academic Excellence Award
Research Travel Grant
HKUSTHKD 11,500 for travel to the ACM UIST Conference
Overseas Research Scholarship
HKUSTHKD 30,000 for visit to Harvard University
Research Travel Grant
HKUSTHKD 13,500 for travel to the IEEE VIS Conference
Research Travel Grant
HKUSTHKD 13,500 for travel to the ACM CHI Conference
Scholarship for the Education Abroad Program
PKUCNY 20,000 for exchange in École Polytechnique
Overseas Research Scholarship
PKUCNY 30,000 for visit to the University of Edinburgh
AVI: Honorable Mention Award
for Interactive Time-Series of Measures for Exploring Dynamic Networks
VAST Challenge: Honorable Mention for Support for Analysis through Annotation and Context Award
for EarthquakeAware: Visual Analytics for Understanding Human Impacts of Earthquakes from Social Media Data
PacificVis: Honorable Mention Award
for Automatic Caption Generation for SVG Charts
VAST Challenge: Insights Generated Through the Use of a Custom Tool Award
for Visual Analysis for Subgroups in a Dynamic Network
Invited Talks
Creativity Support in Visualization Authoring: Case Studies in Animation
Wait, GPT! How Can We Support Human-AI Communication in Personalized Visualization Tasks?
Creativity Support in Visualization Authoring
Affective Text Animation Generation
Program Committee for IUI (2023-25), CHI LBW (2024-25).
Journal Reviewer for TVCG (2023-24), Visual Informatics (2022, 2024-25).
Conference Reviewer for VIS (2021-24), UIST (2023-24), CSCW (2024), CHI (2023-25), EuroVis (2023-24), IUI (2022), DIS (2024-25), PacificVis (2021-22, 2024-25), ChinaVis (2021, 2023-24).
* Special recognition for outstanding review: CSCW'25, CHI'25, CHI'24, IUI'24, DIS'24.
Volunteer in CHI (2023), VIS (2021-22).
Teaching Experience
COMP2211: Exploring Artificial Intelligence
Teaching Assistant for Dr. Desmond Yau-chat Tsoi
Teaching Assistant Coordinator
TAC for the Computer Science and Engineering Department
COMP3111: Software Engineering
Teaching Assistant for Dr. Wai Ting Leung
DATA130012.01: Data Visualization
Teaching Assistant for Prof. Siming Chen
COMP4321: Search Engines for Web and Enterprise Data
Teaching Assistance for Prof. Dik Lun Lee