Hello! I am Liwenhan Xie (Shelly), a PhD candidate from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology advised by Prof. Huamin Qu.

My research lies in information visualization and human-computer interaction, where I view visualization authoring as a form of end-user programming. I conduct empirical studies and develop interactive systems to empower both designers and casual users to create expressive and affective visualizations.

Latest  ----------------------
🙋‍♀️ Present affective text animation on the China-R Conference. [Slides]
🦘 Attend my 2nd VIS after five years! Glad to meet old and new friends.
🥹 A little dream comes true: Wakey-Wakey was featured in UIST teaser! [Link]
🐋 Arrive in Boston and start my 3-month visit to the Visual Computing Group.
💭 One paper on historical vis collection is accepted in IEEE VIS 2023!

Selected Projects

Selected Publications