Tips for a Novice in Vis
Sometimes I am like a hamster and gather everythings I found. These articles and tools surely helps me grow and hope it works for another novice as well :).
Online Browsing
Basic Understanding in VIS
- Why Vis?
- VIS area model (2021+)
- VIS contribution types
- Open VIS courses collected by me
- How to Read a Visualization Research Paper: Extracting the Essentials by Robert S. Laramee in 2011 (CGA).
Advice in doing research (esp. VIS) from senior people
- General
- Many general suggestions for CS researchers by Matt Might
- Rules for working in the group in UBC Visualization and HCI Lab by Tamara Munzner
- 🇨🇳 可视化生存 Huamin Qu’s Summary in raising students
- How to be more productive by Aaron Swart
- Writing
- Process & Pitfalls in writing VIS papers by Tamara Munzner
- Advice for writing & project management by Benjamin Bach
- Niklas Elmqvist’s writing advice [Write a Review] [Maintain a Clean Reference] [Write a Rebuttal]
- Presentation
- How to give a good research talk by Simon Peyton Jones from Microsoft Research Cambridge
You never need to worry about getting bored while doing vis since there are many interesting inspring designs. Here I list a few.
- General
- Data Story Podcast
- Data Visualization Society: highlight resources like [Visualization Book List] [Competitions] [Interesting Blogs]
- Charts
- Xenographics: interestingly uncommon charts
- Physical Visualization: interestingly tangible charts
- Data-to-Viz Caveat: checklist when designing a chart
- Visualization Cheatsheet: cheatsheet for creating a chart
- Visualization Tools: a comprehensive collection of visualization tools by Andy Kirk
- Media/Communication
- Visualization Collections and Designers
- Information is Beautiful: highest award for vis design
- Explorable Vis: a collection of interactive vis articles for misc disciplines
- Data Comic
- Data GIF
- Data Video Transition Types
- Historical CHI Video Project: invaluable recording of the early endeavors in human-computer interaction
- Vis Research Browser
Project Management
- Documentatation: Notion, Gitbook, …
- For Notion, I cannot live without the timeline view with gannt chart and the table view with many meta data.
- Online Edit: Microsoft 365, Google, Miro, Sketch…
- Search Engine: find relevant research/researchers
DBLP: provides stable
and database - Google Scholar: subscription helps you keep track of researchers of interest
- Microsoft Academic: highlight their semanic search and elegant filters
- Connected Papers: trace the citation network
- You can always start from survey; Note that many topics in vis have their own “browser”.
worldmiao: integrates common platforms Library Genesis
DBLP: provides stable
- LaTex:
- Overleaf: Online editing (check education account) [TVCG Template]
- Mathpix: Image → Tex
- Figma: highly recommend for prototyping and vector graphics
- 🇨🇳 一份不太简短的Latex介绍: a brief introduction of LaTex
- Grammarly: grammar/spelling checking
- template: Slidesgo
- I appreciate this style as well:
- 🇨🇳 trick: check Zhihu
- accessibility
can be directly opened and view - Uploading
to Microsoft 365 allows online viewing those dynamic media - SpeakerDeck converts slides to images and allow you to embed in a website.
- Color Pallette
- 中国色: Chinese traditional color
- Nippon Colors: Japanese traditional
- I Want Hue: color blind + list of colors
: LCH space - Simulator for color blindness
- Adobe Color
- trending Colors
- Affective Color Palllete
- Background Color Remover
- Website Screenshot
- Font
- OpenType variable fonts: parameterize fonts
- Diagram
- Lucidchart: pipeline
- XMind: mind map
It is 2021 already and you don’t have to limit yourself in d3
- Observable: a notebook-like ecosystem for prototyping visualization
- Vega-Lite: declarative language is a promising media for automation
I think it is a great idea to document everything. And I list a few aspects that can be worked on.
- Writing: structure; notice; grammar mistakes
- Presentation: notice
- e.g. put on #number, interact with the audience, put on your own understanding
Cheat sheet/Wheels
- latex shortcut
- utility function
- progress report template
- teaser/pipeline template
- video elements
Project Management
- Meeting Minutes
- Middle Result Logs
- Literature Survey
Personal Development
- Goal & Plan
- Unmatured Ideas
- summary of literature & reference
- problem, scope, strategies
- Reflections
- someone’s talk
- progress summary
- Tools, Cheat Sheets, and Skills