🙋‍♀️ Present affective text animation on the China-R Conference. [Slides]
🦘 Attend my 2nd VIS after five years! Glad to meet old and new friends.
🥹 A little dream comes true: Wakey-Wakey was featured in UIST teaser! [Link]
🐋 Arrive in Boston and start my 3-month visit to the Visual Computing Group.
💭 One paper on historical vis collection is accepted in IEEE VIS 2023!
📅 Emordle is accepted in TVCG. Will talk about it on IEEE VIS 2023!
🐱 Will be a volunteer in CHI. See you in Hamburg!
📸 One coauthored paper GeoCamera is conditionally accepted in CHI.
🙋‍ I passed the PhD qualification exam.
🍻 One coauthored paper LQ2 is conditionally accepted in CHI.
📧 My PKU email will no longer be used. Contact me through the HKUST one :)
🎈 Received my Bachelor of Science from Peking University.
👩‍💻 Will start my PhD study in HKUST and work with Prof. Qu again!
📢 MeasureFlow is accepted, beyond grateful to Prof. Bach and Prof. Fekete.
Will be working from home (Nanning) for a long while for quarantine.
Our notes about automatic caption generation is accepted in Pacific Vis.
🙋‍ I am currently applying for VIS PhD and waiting for results.